Winter Weather is Ending… Eventually

I’m probably the happiest person on earth right now. Want to know why? WINTER IS ENDING SOON! Instead of wearing 10 layers before leaving the house every day I can start wearing light jean jackets, t-shirts and maybe even shorts. I won’t have to turn my car on 10 minutes before I leave the house in the morning just so that it will defrost and it won’t shut off mid-drive. I’ll be able to see another colour other than grey and white! The grass will grow again, the sky will be blue, the flowers will start blossoming, and everyone’s faces will be filled with much more colour and warmth.  Continue reading

Winter Vacationing – Love Snow Again!

My favourite time to vacation is during my least favourite time of the year: winter. I hate winter with a burning passion. It drives me up the wall. I can deal with it in December, around holiday time, since it’s cheerful and festive. I love the way Christmas lights look against snow. But honestly, once December and the New Year have passed, I’m done with winter. Continue reading

Valentine’s Day Romantics!

I just love Valentine’s Day. I know what you all are thinking—this is, like, the cheesiest holiday of the year. But, to be completely honest with you, I don’t care! I am a total hopeless romantic, and I personally think it’s a great way to make time for your relationship. And that way, it doesn’t have to be so cheesy.  Continue reading