Gift Giving Year Round

Here in Toronto we are enjoying the beautiful fall weather. Even though it feels like summer, I know that the holiday is not far off. As an administrative assistant, I have to start thinking about all the gifts we need to send for the holiday. This is a very long and tedious process. I need to organize which clients and partners are receiving gifts and the specific gifts they will be receiving. Who said the winter holidays is the only season of giving? I say all that gift giving is crucial all year long. There’s American Thanksgiving Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, new additions, birthdays, anniversaries and the list just goes on! Continue reading

Halloween Sweets and Treats

We’re already mid-way through this autumn. Tis’ the season to enjoy everything pumpkin spiced! Lattes, teas, muffins, cookies, pies, and everything else! There are so many other Halloween Sweets and Treats too!!! The days are cold and crisp while, the sun is barely out. However, the streets remain as well-lit with the yellow and orange leaves on the streets. The dried leaves lay under the jack-o-lanterns on the porches outside of the neighbourhood homes. The jack-o-lantern carvings are getting quite impressive with bats and even, witches on the pumpkins. The leafless branches on the trees are wrapped with the yellow CAUTION tape to put some extra scare into the town. Continue reading