The Effect the Weather has on My Mood

The weather is a sort of everyday kind of thing that nobody pays too much attention to. I mean, sure, we use it so we know what to wear, or if we need a jacket. And, of course, sometimes we make plans around it, if our plans might be weather-dependent. But we never pay attention to what the weather actually does to us.  Continue reading

Netflix Binging

I recently signed up for Netflix for my family, and boy has it really had an impact on our lives! I am already addicted to multiple shows, and I’ve learned how to finish an entire TV show (including multiple seasons) in under a month! That’s insane! And, to make matters worse, my kids are even worse about than my husband and I are. One of my daughters finished all three seasons of the Mindy Project in two weeks. We were pretty concerned when we didn’t see her leave her room with the exception of meals, and on the odd occasion to do some homework. We actually had to ban her from using Netflix because she wouldn’t stop using it and she was falling behind on her homework!  Continue reading

Spring has Sprung, or has it?

Every year I really look forward to spring time. It’s my favourite time of the entire year besides Christmas of course! I love the flowers, the birds singing, the weather (I like that it’s not as hot as the summer but not as cold as the winter), the spring holidays, and, most importantly, because my birthday is in the middle of spring! Continue reading

Two Months of School Left

There are two months left of the school year for my children, and it’s really starting to freak me out! I think this year has gone by the fastest out of all of them. I know I say that every year, but seriously—time has honestly flown by. It seems like just a day ago that it was the end of the summer and we were getting ready for another long school year. I just can’t believe it! It makes me wonder how we ever manage to get anything done. The time just goes by so fast that there is never a minute to breathe or relax!  Continue reading