Spring has Sprung, or has it?

Every year I really look forward to spring time. It’s my favourite time of the entire year besides Christmas of course! I love the flowers, the birds singing, the weather (I like that it’s not as hot as the summer but not as cold as the winter), the spring holidays, and, most importantly, because my birthday is in the middle of spring! However, this year, the spring season has not had as much of an appeal to me as it has had in past years—because it doesn’t even seem like spring outside! I mean, we obviously know it’s spring because of the date, but really, that’s the only hint of what season we’re in. The weather has not been very good. We had about one good week of really nice weather, around 15 degrees, which is exactly how I like it. But, it’s rained a ton, which is normal for spring, except that it’s been freezing rain! When the temperature outside is 5 degrees or lower and it’s raining it’s pretty darn cold! And it DEFINITELY is not springy! It’s so annoying! I hate cold weather so much! And some of the rain is even turning into ice or snow if it gets cold enough overnight! I love spring because of the weather, I really do. I hate when it’s boiling hot during the summer, but winter is too cold for me. I don’t mind the fall, but one of the things I also love about spring is the flowers and trees blooming. And now, this year, because of all this crazy flip-flopping weather, we’re going to have a really hard time growing any flowers, grass, crops and trees! It’s too hard for the plants! It was so nice last week, so they were all in full bloom, but to have them in this weather now is just terrible! Spring has definitely not really sprung!