Blessed is an Understatement this Winter

If you live in Ontario, you would know that we have been blessed with such a minor winter this year. Thus far, I believe we have had to shovel about twice and it is already March! It is pretty awesome! In fact, we had some fairly warm days! And, it was quite obvious us Torontonians knew how lucky we were! We have had some horrible winters these past few years. Anyone remember that intense ice storm two years back? Where, some houses had no power for over two weeks. Forget outside, it was freezing in doors as well! However, the roads were quite beautiful! Icicles hung off the branches of trees and got so heavy! Many trees were weighed down by the icicles and snapped off. But, it was beautiful. Roads were white while the crystal embellished branches and trees lay on the roads! Photographers must have been blessed with the unique landscapes!  Not many cars were driving on the roads thus, it was such a pretty sight to admire outside one’s window.

I cannot even imagine this Winter being nearly as cold as that winter! And it is quite obvious that we are well aware of how blessed the conditions have been. We had one of our first heavy snowfalls at the start of March! Yes, you heard me right, MARCH!! But, it is quite rare to have such a mild winter thus, no one is even complaining about the snowfall. It is almost like we have been waiting for the cold to come and to get it over with! And we are praying to not skip a beautiful hot summer!!
Since Spring has basically been here for the past few months, we cannot forget to get that Spring cleaning. It is amazing that we can do it earlier in the year. Throwing out all the unnecessary junk should be mandatory at least once a year! I find most of my hoarding is done in the cold winters! I feel the need to shop for more sweaters, thicker pants, wool socks and so much more. This spring cleaning should be a breeze!!!

Bring It On- International Women’s Day

The purple ribbon represent International Women's day

The purple ribbon represent International Women’s day

R – E – S – P – E – C – T as Aretha Franklin sang was a song to give every strong woman out there a voice! Hence its a woman’s anthem to this day! Yes that song is from almost 50 years ago… But it speaks volumes! This coming is Tuesday is International Woman’s Day! A day to not only celebrate the respect, appreciation, and love towards females who have made a difference from politics, economy, and social achievements; but also us smaller women who strive to be good people on a regular basis! I mean, we are made of sugar, spice and all things nice… there’s only so little we can do wrong… I’m kidding! Men and women were created equally; we just smell nicer! 😉 

So what are you going to do for yourself that day? I mean its obvious you deserve it! How about gather your favourite women and have a stellar girls night?? Whether the conversation be when your next mani-pedi session will be or when there will be the next female president; there is nothing like spending time with your favourite like minded ladies! 

Fun Fact: Some like to wear a purple ribbon on International Women’s Day! Will you be wearing one?

Is there still a fight to fight as females?? Indeed there is!

In a Canada based article published June of 2015; it was found that there still is a large salary gap between men and women. Based on a study conducted by Catalyst Canada, a non profit organisation, a Canadian woman earns eighty two cents for every dollar a man makes! The only positive is that the statistic is slightly better than our southern neighbours the United States; but its still not acceptable! It is understood that this gap is due to the fact that women take time off for child care; is that acceptable? What is your opinion? Not all women choose to have children especially in a career driven world; is that fair that an assumption is made and hence salaries are docked? Even if a women has a child; a man is also privy to his own child. Will he not take time off to tend to his children? It is indeed possible. Should gender assumptions and stereotypes made by corporations be allowed to dictate salary? 

Although we have come miles from where gender inequality used to be; there is no doubt we are far from equal in politics, the workplace and sometimes even in the home. It will be a continuous battle until its a direct 50/50. We as women need to band together to not only raise awareness but also accept our battle and rise above it! Its days like International Women’s Day where we see what changes have been made; and what changes need to be made! Let’s make sure our future generation see this day as a piece of history rather than their present reality.