Blessed is an Understatement this Winter

If you live in Ontario, you would know that we have been blessed with such a minor winter this year. Thus far, I believe we have had to shovel about twice and it is already March! It is pretty awesome! In fact, we had some fairly warm days! And, it was quite obvious us Torontonians knew how lucky we were! We have had some horrible winters these past few years. Anyone remember that intense ice storm two years back? Where, some houses had no power for over two weeks. Forget outside, it was freezing in doors as well! However, the roads were quite beautiful! Icicles hung off the branches of trees and got so heavy! Many trees were weighed down by the icicles and snapped off. But, it was beautiful. Roads were white while the crystal embellished branches and trees lay on the roads! Photographers must have been blessed with the unique landscapes!  Not many cars were driving on the roads thus, it was such a pretty sight to admire outside one’s window.

I cannot even imagine this Winter being nearly as cold as that winter! And it is quite obvious that we are well aware of how blessed the conditions have been. We had one of our first heavy snowfalls at the start of March! Yes, you heard me right, MARCH!! But, it is quite rare to have such a mild winter thus, no one is even complaining about the snowfall. It is almost like we have been waiting for the cold to come and to get it over with! And we are praying to not skip a beautiful hot summer!!
Since Spring has basically been here for the past few months, we cannot forget to get that Spring cleaning. It is amazing that we can do it earlier in the year. Throwing out all the unnecessary junk should be mandatory at least once a year! I find most of my hoarding is done in the cold winters! I feel the need to shop for more sweaters, thicker pants, wool socks and so much more. This spring cleaning should be a breeze!!!