Teaching Kids How to Handle Money

In this day and age, we often forget to teach our kids the importance of learning how to handle money and how to manage spending. We often give them $10 or $20 here and there as they need it, and we don’t take a second to think about what they might be spending it on, nor do we actually teach them how to properly spend it and to understand how much they have.  Continue reading

Spring Birthday Parties

There’s something about birthdays in the spring that make them so much different than birthdays in other seasons. Spring time is exciting for everyone. It means nicer weather, the end of school, and of course, that summer is coming soon! The spring atmosphere is fresh, happy and bright. We focus a lot on nature and the outdoors! Spring birthdays are the most fun because everybody is feeling happy and looking forward to the summer, and everyone is ready to get out again and have some fun after the long winter!  Continue reading

Passover is Only a Month Away!

I know it’s early, but Passover is really just around the corner. This year Passover begins on the evening of April 3rd and ends on the evening of April 11th. Passover is personally one of my favorite Jewish holidays of the year. A lot of people dread the eight breadless days, but I kind of like it! I enjoy having family time and get-togethers. The holiday is a great way of getting the entire family together. And, since there are two seders, you get to spend time with your own family and with your spouse’s family. The kids are able to see their aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents, and we as adults get to see our siblings and parents all together, which is not something we do often! Life gets so busy and is always in the way that it makes it impossible to always have everyone together. I mean, sure, it’s great going out for dinner with one of your siblings, or going over to your parents’ house one night with the kids. But it’s never the same as having the entire family together.

I also like Passover because it’s a holiday that everyone can participate in and enjoy. It’s a happy holiday, unlike Yom Kippur, so we are able to celebrate and have a nice time! The seder is conducted mostly in English, which is great, because then people who  can’t read Hebrew will know what’s going on and can take part! And , to top it off, the seder is super fun for the kids! They love setting up the seder plate, reading the four questions, and best of all finding the hidden Matzah (and getting the money from their grandparents of course!). Although many families do, our family does not go to synagogue on Passover, which is just fine with me. It actually is another reason that I love Passover so much. It’s not even because I don’t like going to synagogue (although I don’t), but it’s really because the kids don’t like it, and they end up staying in the daycare the whole time anyways! Since we don’t have to go to synagogue, my kids end up looking forward to Passover every year, and I think it’s their favourite holiday too!