Choosing the Right Pet for You

Deciding to get a pet is a big decision—whether you live alone, with a spouse, or with children. Pets are living beings and deserve to be treated with respect and care, so the decision to buy a pet should not be taken lightly, and should be done with the expectation that you will have to take very good care of it. Choosing a pet is not easy and there are many factors that must come into play when deciding what to get!  Continue reading

Getting Kids Outside

As we have all seen, this generation of kids spends most of their time indoors on the couch, and in front of some sort of screen, be it a computer, TV, iPad, iPhone or video games. Staying inside all the time like this is bad for kids’ health and well-being.  They’re getting no exercise, and being around electronics too much lowers social skills and abilities. Especially in the spring and summer when the weather’s nice, it’s a shame not to take advantage of the rare beautiful weather days! It’s so hard motivating kids to get outside and be active. To them, it seems way more fun to watch TV than go to the park. Here are some tips for getting your kids outside more!  Continue reading

Trying to Keep Passover

Every year I keep Passover, so you’d think by now that it’d be a breeze for me—but it seems to get increasingly harder every year! All my friends are constantly taunting me with invitations to go out for lunch and dinner! And I want to say yes to all of them! It’s almost impossible! How can I go to an Italian restaurant and resist getting a big bowl of pasta, pizza, and eating all the nice bread they bring out? Or how can I get sushi without getting Tempura, Dynamite rolls, volcano rolls and shrimp? It’s so hard!  Continue reading

Making Easter Parties Better for Adults

I love Easter! I love the get-togethers, the family time, seeing friends,  and most of all the treats! Some people think it’s a pain to host the celebrations and complain about it but not me—I love it! I’m happy to do it, and in fact, every year I offer to do it. And of course, everyone always takes me up on my offer.  Continue reading