Making Easter Parties Better for Adults

I love Easter! I love the get-togethers, the family time, seeing friends,  and most of all the treats! Some people think it’s a pain to host the celebrations and complain about it but not me—I love it! I’m happy to do it, and in fact, every year I offer to do it. And of course, everyone always takes me up on my offer. 

Often times people forget that Easter parties can be fun and enjoyable preparing gift baskets for adults as well! Many of the parties are not only geared towards only the kids but also require a lot of adult supervision and help for running the activities. This year I came up with a way to make the party still fun and geared towards the kids, but requires less adult supervision and gives them a little bit of time to sit back and enjoy as well.

First of all, what I’ve decided to do is have a kids’ table for eating set up right next to where the adults are eating. This way, if there’s crying, spills, or fighting and they’re in the same room, the adults can be right there to help, and don’t have to leave their tables to go check on them.

I’ve also come up with a few arts and crafts ideas for the kids to do independently of the adults. We’ve got a table with Easter colouring books, and a bunch of crayons in Easter colours. The kids can colour and make cute pictures, and the adults don’t have to do anything! Another fun idea is having a water table set up on the back porch outside. The adults will be in the kitchen which is right next to my backyard. So while the adults are enjoying their appetizers and drinks, the kids will be right next to them outside, playing with the water table (filled with cute little rubber duckies and of course!).

And, the best part is the cupcake decorating. I’ll have a little table set up with cupcakes on it. The cupcakes will already have vanilla icing on them so the hard part is done. Then I’ll have sprinkles, gummies, smarties and more treats to put on them and they can decorate away! No help needed from parents and more enjoyment for the parents as well! It’ll be another great Easter!