Trying to Keep Passover

Every year I keep Passover, so you’d think by now that it’d be a breeze for me—but it seems to get increasingly harder every year! All my friends are constantly taunting me with invitations to go out for lunch and dinner! And I want to say yes to all of them! It’s almost impossible! How can I go to an Italian restaurant and resist getting a big bowl of pasta, pizza, and eating all the nice bread they bring out? Or how can I get sushi without getting Tempura, Dynamite rolls, volcano rolls and shrimp? It’s so hard! 

Normally I don’t eat out on Passover at all. But with all these temptations to nice restaurants, this year I decided I would go and just eat things that are Kosher for Passover. We went to an Italian restaurant and I was actually good—I had grilled Oratta! But the sushi restaurant was what brought me down—when they brought out that tempura I just couldn’t resist. And the sushi pizza was unbelievable!

On top of that, we went to my husband’s family’s Easter dinner and  that one was tough. They served ham which looked out of this world, and the desserts consisted of cake, cupcakes and lemon tarts! I caved with the desserts. Couldn’t help myself!

Now that the long weekend is done I’m going to get back on track. Really. I’m going to keep it strictly K4P (Kosher for Passover) in AND out of the house. Meaning I’m not going out to eat until Passover is long gone. I just hope I’ll be able to resist all the chocolate Easter eggs in the house… It’s going to be pretty tough but I know that when Passover’s done I’ll feel good about having eaten Kosher for the whole time… or, at least part of it… !