World Kindness Day

November thirteenth is World Kindness Day.  It’s a day designated to being empathetic and it’s been around since 1998! Isn’t it great that there is a day set aside to remind us all to be kind to each other? To be nice to others sometimes isn’t our first reflex, especially in traffic or other stressful situations, but with a little positivity it can start to come naturally. You’d be surprised how far a small gesture can go. Understandably, schedules can get quite packed, but don’t forget to schedule in a time slot to do something nice for your loved ones and those who are kind to you. The worst thing you can do is take someone else’s kindness for granted! It’s important as humans to reinforce kind actions as much as possible and if we don’t set aside time for it, it often ends up as a low priority or even forgotten entirely. But to thank or praise someone for something they have done or simply just to make someone feel good, a random act of kindness can be just what the doctor ordered.

I sometimes find it difficult to properly express how much I appreciate someone. Telling them with words is good but what really drives it home is your actions. You could take them out somewhere, perhaps to a movie or lunch. Food really does speak straight to the heart and people feel great being told to indulge a little. Surprise someone with a gift they weren’t expecting. If you provide then with some of their favourite snack, it really shows that you listen to them, appreciate them, and that you care. Volunteering is also a way to give back to your community and help those who really need it most. It fills you with such a sense of accomplishment and togetherness by donating your time to a good cause. Celebrate World Kindness Day by putting kindness into your life!