Thanksgiving Stress Reduction

Thanksgiving can move from a relaxed gathering to a hectic stress-fest very quickly if you get too wrapped up in the little things. Trying to take on the mountain of tasks all by yourself is daunting to say the least. To help make your entertaining easier next year, I’ve compiled a few tips so that you can spend more time with family and friends. 

Decorating can be overwhelming for those of us who are not necessarily artistically inclined. But since Thanksgiving is a celebration of the harvest and giving thanks for the abundance that fall brings as well as the people we are able to share it with, why not theme your centrepiece on the focus of the festival—food! Try a vase with colourful fare such as corn, seeds, cranberries, or gourds. Fall leaves can also provide some inspiration, so use them in place of flowers. Even in a bouquet! Candles can also be an addition that wows, and they are the perfect way to enhance the cozy warm atmosphere that is a part of all great fall gatherings.

When cooking for a large group of guests, an assembly line is recommended. Enlisting the help of your kids and their cousins is an excellent way to turn chores into family time! Discuss what you’re thankful for over casserole-making and vegetable-cutting. Put your slow-cooker to work  too and make a big side dish in the morning so that will be ready along with the rest.

If you’re a guest at the soiree, do what you can to ease the host’s burden. Ask if you can be responsible for one of the dessert dishes, or arrive early with supplies! Your host will have plenty to be thankful for with a few gestures and the experience will be more fun for everyone! Enjoy all the great food and great company!